Comprehensive Energy Performance Assessment / Energy Audit
Comprehensive energy study identifies the energy consumption patterns and its conservation opportunities. Combination of sector expert and various measuring instrumentation confirms the precise solution for energy conservation.
SEA Energy is extensively conducting the energy conservation studies to enable the industries to face the escalating energy cost and reduce the energy consumption and build up profit margins in present highly competitive market
SEA Energy is empanelled as an Energy Auditing Firm with Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA)
Benefits of Comprehensive Energy Performance Assessment and Energy Audit Study are:
Reduced energy consumption
Reduced Green House Gas emissions and hence Carbon Foot Print
Reduced operating cost
Structured approach for decision making
Assisting organization in better usage of their energy resources
Promote best practices and foster the correct behavior for energy consumption
To provide framework for promoting energy efficiency projects
Detailed information about Comprehensive Energy Performance Assessment / Energy Audit:
Comprehensive Energy Audit includes complete energy efficiency Analysis of Plant including Utility System, Thermal Systems as well as Electrical System.
Specific Energy Consumption
A detailed analysis of historical data shall be carried out to analyze specific energy consumption and evaluate opportunities for energy saving.
Energy Accounting and Balancing
A detailed measurement & analysis is carried out to ascertain the consumption pattern and identify potential gain areas for all forms of energy and all the major consumers.
Performance of Major Equipment's
The study evaluates performance of all the major equipment to check operating capacity, efficiency and specific energy consumption. It identifies sources of loss and their contribution. The study suggests measures to optimize performance by operating the equipment's at specified parameters and with desired energy consumption.
The challenge of optimization can be met through detailed technical evaluation and screening various plausible options to arrive at the techno-economic solution.The Energy Audit provides the vital information base for overall energy conservation program covering essentially energy utilization analysis and evaluation of energy conservation measures. It aims at:
How we conduct Comprehensive Energy Performance Assessment / Energy Audit:
Collections of data on operational parameters, energy consumption
Study the existing plant capacities and their performance to assess plant operations
Study of the specific energy consumption of thermal and electrical system wise and total plant
Study of the power sources, distribution system and drive controls, load factor and efficiency of large motors, process automation, plant illuminations etc
Collection of requisite data and analysis and identification of specific areas with potential for conservation of thermal and electrical energy
Field measurements of operational parameters and carrying out heat and mass balance
Study of limitations, if any, in the optimal use of thermal and electrical energy
Discussion with specific recommendations along with broad system concept for conservation of thermal and electrical energy
Preparation of capital cost estimates and establishing techno-economic feasibility for recommended measures
No investment and/or marginal investment by doing system improvements and optimization of operations.
Major investment due to incorporation of modern energy intensive equipment and up gradation of existing equipment
Formulating tentative time schedule for implementation of the recommendation
Undertaking broad cost benefit analysis in terms of savings in energy consumption per unit of production and pay-back period
Follow-up with the industry on periodic basis to ascertain the level of implementation of recommendation and assist, if require, in implementation of the measures to achieve energy user efficiency