Methodology of Green Audit
The following step by step methodology and approach were adopted while carrying out the Green Audit. SEA Energy team visit for the field measurement and conducting the audit. The broad methodology adopted for the Green Audit is furnished below.
Preliminary discussions with personnel and observations in all Campus areas.
Data collection through discussions, past records, specifications.
Field studies in each of the areas involving: - Performance trials.
Measurement of energy performance related parameters
Study of existing environment management practices
Study of existing waste management practices
Gap analysis & Identification of conservation opportunities.
Preparation, discussion and submission of report to the management.
Pre Audit Stage
A pre-audit meeting provided an opportunity to reinforce the scope and objectives of the audit and pre-audit discussions were held based on green initiatives taken and the current scenario of the University campus. This meeting is an important prerequisite for the green audit because it is the first opportunity to understand the concerns. It was held with the concerned person of the University regarding initiatives taken by the University and regarding the last NAAC Green Audit conducted by the University. The meeting was an opportunity to gather the information that the audit team can study before arriving on the site. The audit protocol and audit plan were handed over at this meeting and discussed in advance of the audit itself. The pre-audit meeting was conducted successfully, and necessary documents were collected directly from the University before the initiation of the audit processes. The actual planning of audit processes was discussed in the pre-audit meeting. An Audit team was also selected in this meeting with the help of staff and the University management. The audit protocol and audit plan were handed over at this meeting and discussed in advance of the audit itself.
Management Commitment
The Management of the University has shown a commitment towards green auditing during the pre-audit meeting. They were ready to encourage all green activities. It was decided to promote all activities that are environmentally friendly such as awareness programs on the environment, campus farming, planting more trees on the campus, etc., after the green auditing. The management of the University was willing to formulate policies based on a green auditing report.
Target Areas
A clean and healthy environment aids effective learning and provides a conducive learning environment. There are various efforts around the world to address environmental education issues. Green Audit is the most efficient and ecological way to manage environmental problems. It is a kind of professional care that is the Page 25 responsibility of each individual who is part of economic, financial, social, environmental factors. It is necessary to conduct a green audit on a University campus because students become aware of the green audit, its advantages to saving the planet and they become social and responsible citizens of our country. Thus Green audit becomes necessary at the university level. The broad objectives are as follows.
Diagnosing the environmental problems to eliminate them.
Environmental education through a systematic environmental management approach.
Improving environmental standards.
Benchmarking for environmental protection initiatives.
Efficient utilization of resources.
Financial savings through a reduction in resource use.
Curriculum enrichment through practical experience.
Development of ownership, personal and social responsibility for the University and its environment.
Developing environmental ethics and value systems in young people.
Providing certain recommendations based on environmental audit reports.
Ensuring compliance, not only with laws, regulations, and standards but also with company policies and the requirements of an Environmental Management System (EMS) standard.
Enabling environmental problems and risks to be anticipated.
To demonstrate that University is aware of its impact upon the environment.
Audit Stage
Green Audit is done with the help of co-associates involving different student groups, teaching, and non-teaching staff. The green audit began with the teams walking through all the different facilities at the University, determining the different types of appliances and utilities as well as measuring the usage per item (Watts indicated on the appliance or measuring water from a tap) and identifying the relevant consumption patterns (such as how often an appliance is used) and their impacts. The staff and learners are being interviewed to get details of usage, frequency, or general characteristics of certain appliances. Data collection was done in the sectors such as Energy, Waste, Green Area, Carbon footprint, and Water use. University records and documents were verified several times to clarify the data received through surveys and discussions.
Energy Management
Water Management
Waste Management
Environment Management
Onsite visit and observations
University has a vast built-up area comprising various departments under various academic buildings, teachers and staff quarters, many facilities including Academic Buildings, Guest House, Canteens, Health Centre, Assembly hall, Auditorium, other facilities and separate men’s and women’s hostels. All these amenities have different kinds of infrastructure as per their requirement. All these buildings are being visited by the surveyors and the present condition has been checked with the help of the questionnaires. Personal observations are being made during the onsite visit. All the amenities are being clubbed in, as per their similarities and differences, which makes the survey and further analysis easier. After the collection of secondary data, the reviews related to each environmental factor are being taken by the green audit team. The data are being tabulated, analyzed and graphs are being prepared. Depending upon the observations and data collected, interpretations are being made. The lacunas and good practices are being documented. The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is being prepared for the next academic year in order to have better environmental sensitization. Finally, all the information get compiled in the form of the Green Audit Report.
Data analysis and final report preparation
Proper analysis and presentation of data produced from work is a vital element. In the case of a green audit, the filled questionnaires of the survey from each group are being tabulated as per their modules, in Excel spreadsheets. The tabulated data is then used for further analysis. For a better understanding of the results and to avoid complications, averages, and percentages of the tables were calculated. A graphical representation of these results are being made to give a quick idea of the status. Interpretation of the overall outcomes is being made which incorporates all the primary and secondary data, references, and interrelations within. Final report preparation is being done using this interpretation. and secondary data, references, and interrelations within being done using this interpretation.