SEA Energy offer HVAC system Energy audit and detailed performance assessment of total systems and providing the right practical solution for energy saving in a cost effective manner. These services are conducted by expert professionals. Engaged in Offering Energy Auditing of HVAC systems: Chiller, cooling tower, ducting system, Air Handling Units, Air conditioning and refrigeration system etc.
HVAC System Energy Audit and Performance Assessment
​Performance Assessment of Chillers
Review of Operating Parameters
Chilled Water & Cooling Water Main Supply Flow Measurements
Power Measurements for Electrical Chiller / Review of Steam Consumption records in case of Vapour Absorption Chiller
Chiller Efficiency Assessments & Specific Power Consumption Calculation
Power Measurements for Chilled Water Pumping System
Performance Assessment of Chilled Water Pumping Systems
Review of Operating Parameters
Chilled Water & Cooling Water Main Supply Flow Measurements
Calculation & Assessments of Specific Power Consumption
Performance Assessment of Cooling Water System
Measurements of Required Data and Assessments of Cooling Tower
Cooling Water Pumping System Power Supply Measurements
Calculation & Assessments of Cooling Tower Efficiency and Specific Power Consumption
Performance Assessment of HVAC Systems
Review of Operating Parameters
Measurements of Power Supply for individual Air Handling Units (AHU)
Velocity Measurement for Major Area Catered by HVAC System
Assessments of HAVC System for Losses and Specific Power Consumption
Identification of Energy Conservation opportunities
Study of each Chiller will be undertaken.
Running –load, flow in primary circuit and temperature difference between inlet and outlet of evaporator will be measured. This will be used to calculate present load on Chiller and its specific power consumption.
Flow and load of each chilled-water supply pump will be measured. Performance of primary and secondary chilled water pumps will be studied for flow, power and efficiency.
Performance of condenser water pumps will be studied for flow, power and efficiency.
Study of cooling towers with respect to air flow, inlet and sump water temperature, loading on cooling towers.
Performance of AHUs will be studied for load and effectiveness.
Opportunities for Energy Conservation will be explored.
Performance Assessment of Domestic Air Conditioning Units (ACs)
Measurements of Power Supply for individual Air conditioning Units (Split ACs, Window ACs, Cassette ACs, Fan Coil Unit,Ductable ACs etc)
Assessments of Specific Power Consumption​