Sugarcane ethanol is an alcohol-based fuel produced by the fermentation of sugarcane juice and molasses. Because it is a clean, affordable and low-carbon biofuel, sugarcane ethanol has emerged as a leading renewable fuel for the transportation sector.

Ethanol adds oxygen to gasoline which helps reduce air pollution and harmful tailpipe emissions. Ethanol also reduces Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by up to 90% when compared to fossil fuels, performing better than any other liquid bio-fuel produced today on a commercial scale. Beyond its positive environmental impact, ethanol can also enhance a vehicle’s performance. It is a high-octane fuel that generates more power in higher compression engines. Available now, ethanol helps to reduce global dependence on fossil fuels and can be used to diversify a country’s energy matrix.
In the Sugar & Ethanol India Conference - SEIC 2023, organized by ChiniMandi. Our Union Minister Shri Nitin Gadkari Ji Stated that India needs to reduce carbon emission, its transport sector quickly move toward use of bio-fuels.
He also added 80 % of the energy requirement of the Indian transport sector was being fulfilled by fossil fuel, which was costing the country more than Rupees 16 lakh crore annually. India is the only country that is setting up four commercial plant for bio-fuels. Each pant will help two lakh farmers and reduce three lakh tonnes of carbon dioxide emission. There is a need for research and development in green hydrogen and diversification of the agriculture sector into energy and power.
The future of the sugar - ethanol is bright and it will help upswing of economy and asked the sugar sector to convert the surplus produce into bio-ethanol, which in turn will help create wealth in agriculture as well as the country's rural areas.